Tricking Ben (2017)Inspired by the ‘Tricking Benedick’ scene (Act III Scene II) in William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing.
‘Tricking Ben’ was created as part of the Lovely Little Losers Kickstarter (2014). |
The Famous Four Return (2016)In 2015 we teamed up with a bunch of cool cats to take part in the 48HOUR film challenge, and this is the result!
The 48HOUR film challenge is a competition where filmmakers have 1 weekend to write, film, and edit a short film. They are also given a genre, prop, and line of dialogue they must include. We won the Audience Choice Award in our Heat which we think is pretty neat. |
Scott Pilgrim Scene - Sweded (2015)For a Film Class assignment at University, Elsie was asked to make a "sweded" film (a reference to the the Michel Gondry film, Be Kind Rewind (2008), in order to learn about film form. She decided to "swede" a scene from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, directed by Edgar "Genius Awe-Inspiring" Wright. With sweding, the idea is that you do the whole thing using only the first takes. We did multiple takes, but all the effects were done by hand, and the sound wasn't edited (so there's no sound bridges, and the sound effects were also live).